Mayor Beresford’s August 2022 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Mayor Beresford’s August 2022 Council Meeting Wrap-up
Council approved the following applications for in kind and/or financial support -
- Cunnamulla & District Dingoes Rugby Union Club for their training and match on 24th September 2022.
- Full Boar Gymkhana and Enduro Event on 29th & 30th October 2022.
- Cunnamulla Golf Club for the Qld Masters on 24th & 25th June 2023.
A discussion on how the Council can better communicate with residents took place and it was decided to include a monthly printed newsletter distributed by post to Paroo Shire households as well as a monthly advertisement printed in the local newspaper.
Christmas closedown dates for Council operations were finalised, the operational or outside staff will finish work for Christmas holidays at 3pm on Friday 16 December and return to work on Monday 9 January. For the non-operational or inside staff holidays will conclude at 3pm on Wednesday 21 December and return to work on Tuesday 3 January.
A report on landfilling operations by Bellas & Reitano was tabled for Council’s information. The report recommends a number of improvements to the Cunnamulla Waste facility and planned works will now be carried out in accordance with the report’s recommendations. The report also referred to new fencing at the Eulo Waste facility and alignment of the new entry road at the Yowah Waste facility which will also be attended to.
Following a request from the owners of Glencoe, Council has agreed for the land owners to engage a private Contractor to complete some roadworks on the Glencoe Road provided it is in accordance with Council’s traffic guidelines and road specifications. A Council works supervisor will oversee the works.
The Cunnamulla Library organised a visit this week by Evonne Goolagong Cawley. During her time in Cunnamulla Evonne visited the schools, the hospital, multi purpose courts, the Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation for Health and met with the senior citizens. Students from local and neighbouring Shire schools together with members of the community attended a Q & A session at the Shire Hall to hear the enthralling story of this Australian sporting legend.
Visitor Information Centre tourist figures for July were slightly more than for the same month last year. Towards the end of June, there was an issue of tourists being misinformed about road conditions by the mainstream media. A strategic collaborative social media campaign with other South West Queensland Councils was undertaken to inform tourists of the real situation in the outback.
The Council also reviewed its Community Grants Policy, Guidelines and Application Form. Once the updated policy and associated documents are confirmed at the next Council meeting, they will be uploaded to the Council’s website. Any community organisations wishing to apply for either in-kind or financial support should refer to the website for information and downloading of the application form.
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