Funny Mummies bring the comic pain relief to Cunnamulla


Looking to escape responsibility for a couple of hours? Come join “a giggle of Mums!”

That’s how comedian and mother-of-six Jenny Wynter describes a gathering such as the Funny Mummies Comedy Gala on Tuesday 22 September at the Paroo Shire Hall, Cunnamulla.

Wynter, an award-winning comedian in her own right, launched Funny Mummies in a mission to improve mothers’ mental health through comedy and laughter.

“When I became a parent, I read all the books, and quickly realised to my horror that they skipped the chapter in ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting’ on ‘Gob-smacking Darkness’” she jokes.

“Laughter and comedy were my life-rafts. They still are.

“It’s made me realise that laughing isn’t just a luxury, it’s life’s epidural. It’s cathartic, therapeutic and makes us feel less alone. Which as mothers, is absolutely vital if we’re going to be of any use to anybody!”

The show will feature three hilarious mother comedians, including Wynter, palliative care nurse turned comedian Carolyn Mandersloot, and Canadian comic Jasmine Fairbairn.

“I’m just so thrilled to see women coming together and having a fantastic, side-splitting time doing it. That we get to have fun and work out our abs without planking is a total win-win.”

The Funny Mummies Comedy Gala is on Tuesday 22 September with doors opening at 7pm for a 7.30pm start at the Paroo Shire Hall, Cunnamulla. Admissions are free.

To find out more about Funny Mummies visit or for details about the show in Cunnamulla visit

funny mummies